dreams come true... A little less than a year ago, my team and I decided that we wanted do more to help Delawareans. The problem we struggled with was how to provide more assistance to those in need without the resources to create more bed space. The feeling that we weren't doing enough kept me awake at night. I couldn't build a new building and I became so frustrated that I was almost ready to give up my dreams of helping more people. You see, I believe that a lot of the crime issues in Wilmington in particular, are caused by poverty, lack of education, substance abuse and untreated mental illnesses. We are very good at what we do at Sojourners' Place, but our services stopped at the door. One night at about 3am I sat up in the bed... I had the answer. "Project Impact - Mobile Case Management". Simply stated, "Project Impact" is a model that takes our case management expertise out of our building and out to the streets of New Castle County. We have 1 case manager dedicated to help families and individuals who qualify based on income, to receive assistance regarding gaining access to substance abuse/mental health treatment, job readiness, financial literacy and Rapid Re-Housing. Thanks to The Delaware State Service Centers and The Bank of America Community Foundation, we have funding in place to provide mobile services to up to 100 families and individuals in ALL OF DELAWARE based on income verification. This program is for those truly in need. If you know of anyone dealing the matters mentioned above, even if you're not certain of their income or the specifics of their issues, please have them call us at (302) 764-4713 and ask for the "Project Impact" Case Manager, and someone from my team will contact them within 72 hours. They can also reach us at [email protected]. Eric Harris, Executive Director |