DONATESojourners' Place depends on the generosity of people like you, to make it possible to provide the services so needed by the women and men who live here. We charge no fees and receive no fee-for-service funding. We use Network for Good through Guidestar to accept online donations. You can pay by check or credit card. Although your statement will say Network for Good, be assured that Sojourners' Place will receive your contribution minus a small handling fee. Volunteer / Internship |
Become a PartnerSojourners's Place is working with several Businesses, non-profits, organizations, churches, and individuals to help homeless men and women in Delaware.
Join us today and become a partner! |
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Did you know???
Sojourners Place goes through approx. 100 boxes of Laundry detergent every Three Months. Now that's a lot of laundry! We are always looking for household items such as cleaning supplies, toiletry items (soap, toothpaste, etc), and paper goods (Toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, etc).
Sojourners Place goes through approx. 100 boxes of Laundry detergent every Three Months. Now that's a lot of laundry! We are always looking for household items such as cleaning supplies, toiletry items (soap, toothpaste, etc), and paper goods (Toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, etc).